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Hex Publishers is an independent publishing house proudly specializing in genre fiction: horror, science fiction, crime, dark fantasy, comics, and any other form that explores the imagination. Founded by writers, Hex values both the author and the reader, with an emphasis on quality, diversity, and voices often overlooked by the mainstream.

Georgetown Haunts and Mysteries



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From the ghost of a hanged man at the old Cafe Prague to the apparition of a sobbing woman at the Rose Street Bed and Breakfast to a phantom Victorian dress whooshing through the halls at the Hamill House Museum, Georgetown is a well-known haunt for spirits of all kind. But some of the town's deepest, darkest secrets have never been revealed...until now. Prepare for nine otherworldly tales of myth and mystery that extend back to the grisly gold and silver rush days of old.

196 pages

Items included:

  • eBook (delivered in ePub and MOBI formats)
  • Paperback

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